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Dog Eye Care - Exploring Dog Eye Care

What can dog owners do to monitor their dogs' eyes for potential issues?

Dog owners should regularly observe their dogs' eyes for any signs of problems. Look for any discharge, which could indicate an issue, although not always. Redness or cloudiness in the eye is also a sign that there may be a problem. If the dog is squinting, we recommend contacting a vet as soon as possible, preferably on the same day, as it could suggest a more serious underlying issue.

Dr. Alan Lewis
DePorre Veterinary Hospital

How can systemic diseases manifest in dogs' eyes?

Systemic diseases can often manifest in the eyes before showing signs elsewhere. Regular observation of the dog's eyes can help to identify potential underlying health issues.

How can a dog owner evaluate their pet for vision loss at home?

Owners can monitor their dogs' behavior to detect vision loss. Altering the placement of furniture and observing if the dog bumps into things or sticks close to walls can indicate vision impairment. Trying this in both normal and dim light is also advised, as some vision problems are more noticeable in dim light.

What signs should prompt a dog owner to bring their pet in for an eye examination?

Owners should seek professional help if they observe any discharge, redness, or cloudiness in their dog's eyes. If the dog is pawing at its eye or squinting, it should be examined by a vet as soon as possible. Changes in the dog's vision or independent movement of the eye can also indicate a potential neurologic problem that requires evaluation.

What can be the consequences of serious eye problems in dogs?

Some eye problems in dogs can progress rapidly and lead to serious consequences within a short period, sometimes within 12 to 24 hours. These issues can pose a threat to the health of the eye and the dog's vision, so we recommend contacting the vet's office immediately if there's a problem.

What does a standard eye exam for a dog include?

A standard eye exam involves examining the eye for any abnormalities in the lids, lens, cornea, and other parts. We also evaluate the tear production in the eye and check the cornea for any scratches or ulcers using a yellow stain. Lastly, we perform a simple test to detect the pressure in the eye, primarily looking for elevated pressures that could indicate glaucoma.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (248) 609-1625, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

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